Saturday, February 9, 2013

Ombré hair

I recently made a big change to my hair. I went from long, black hair to shoulder length reddish brown hair. The reddish brown was really an accident, I lifted the black out of my hair in a 2 day bleaching & color lifting extravaganza. I then planned to dye it light/medium brown which is my natural color. For some reason it turned out a light brown/red, which is actually very pretty, but my roots are starting to show and I need to figure out what to do.

Ombré hair is something I have always wanted to do, however I am very cheap about some things, and getting my hair dyed at a salon is one of them. In comes L'Oreal Feria Wild Ombré! After watching dozens of videos on Youtube and reading countless blogs I figured out which of the 3 colors I wanted, and found it at my local Target to buy.

So, this solves the bottom half of my hair, but now my issue is the top. The other day I also bought Clairol Perfect 10 in Medium Ash Brown, the plan so far is to dye all but the ends of my hair this color, than putting the ombré on the ends, and building it up a little bit to the middle to get the gradual effect.
After all of this, I plan on using a hot oil treatment to get some shine and life into my hair. My favorite thing about ombré is that it has enough visual interest to not get tired of it, and isn't wild enough where it isn't appropriate for work.

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